Finland Flag Raising Ceremony - NATO ENSEC COE has a new Contributing Partner
On the 8th of June the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence has celebrated the joining of Finland as Contributing Partner with the Flag Raising Ceremony of the Finnish Flag.
Among the guests there were Directors from Baltic region Centres’ of Excellence, also high ranking diplomatic and ministry personnel such as: Vice-minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania Mr Darius Skusevičius; the Ambassador of Finland to Lithuania H.E. Mr Christer Michelsson; the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Lithuania H.E. Mr Bohumil Mazánek, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Lithuania H.E. Mrs Angelika Viets, the Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia to Lithuania H.E. Dr Einars Semanis, the Ambassador of the Ukraine to Lithuania H.E. Mr Volodymyr Yatsenkivskyi, the Ambassador of the Republic of Georgia to Lithuania H.E. Mrs Khatuna Salukvadze, the Ambassador at Large for Hybrid Threats to the Republic of Lithuania H.E. Mr Eitvydas Bajarūnas, the Commandant of Lithuania Military Academy Brigadier General Algis Vaičeliūnas, the Defence attachés from the Republic of France, the Republic of Georgia, the United Kingdom, the Ukraine, the Republic of Finland, and the Federal Republic of Germany.
The ceremony started with the welcoming word of Colonel Gintaras Bagdonas, the Director of the NATO ENSEC COE, the Directors speech was followed by Vice-minister Mr D. Skusevičius, and Ambassador H.E. Mr C. Michelsson. Later the guests participated in the raising of the Finnish flag. Finally, the guests also had the opportunity to witness the signing ceremony of the Letter of Intent of Cooperation between European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats and NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence.