NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Farewell to first director of NATO ENSEC COE

On May 9, 2014 the Official ceremony of Col Romualdas Petkevičius farewell took place at NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (NATO ENSEC COE), where he served as director. 

The Official farewell ceremony was attended by the Land Forces Commander general major Almantas Leika, Assistant of Lithuanian Armed Forces Commander Col Vilmas Šatas, representatives from the Ministry of Defence and colleagues from NATO ENSEC COE. 

In recognition of outstanding personal input and efforts in foundation of the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence Col Romualdas Petkevičius, Director of NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence was awarded the personal gift from Chief of Defence of Lithuania Lieutenant General Arvydas Pocius. 

Col R.Petkevičius also received gifts from NATO ENSEC COE Steering committee representatives and colleagues of NATO ENSEC COE.

Col R.Petkevičius was the first director of NATO ENSEC COE since it's inauguration on 20 July, 2012. From May 12, 2014 he is appointed to the Ministry of National Defence of Lithuania as a director of Armament and control systems department.