NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

ENSEC COE was visited by Japan delegation

On the 18th of August NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (ENSEC COE) has been visited by Mr. ITO Masamichi, Special Advisor, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Director of Industrial Research, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) London Office. The guest was accompanied by officers from the Japan Embassy in Lithuania.
The guests were welcomed by Colonel Thierry Segard, Deputy Director of ENSEC COE. Together with Heads of Division, the Deputy Director presented the functions and activities of the ENSEC COE. Relevant projects and exercises were discussed during the meeting.
The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) is a government-related organization in Japan that promotes trade and investment. JETRO's main objective is to assist Japanese companies in expanding their business overseas and attracting foreign investment into Japan. It provides a wide range of services to help facilitate international trade and investment activities, such as market research, business matchmaking, trade shows, seminars, and consultations. JETRO plays a significant role in promoting economic cooperation between Japan and other countries by fostering business relationships and enhancing economic ties.
Japan is an official observer of the NATO ENSEC COE.