NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Energy Efficiency in Military Operations Course

From 27-30 June, NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence will hold the Energy Efficiency in Military Operations Course, open to officers, NCOs and civilians working in energy sector. The aim of the course is to raise awareness on importance of energy efficiency in military domain. It seeks to test the energy efficiency in military operations and train military personnel in order to develop understanding of energy efficiency implication in military operations.

During the first day officers from the NATO ENSEC COE and specialists in energy and military sector will give an introduction on topics such as operational energy, energy security and new energy challenges in military domain.

On following days there will be a simulation “Operational Energy Wargame” during which the attendees will apply their abilities in practice. The course will end on 30 June with interactive presentations on operational energy solutions in the military domain, course critique and closing remarks.