NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Discussion panel on Energy security at Economic Forum 2014

On September 3, 2014 NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence organized discussion panel at Economic Forum in Krynica Zdroj (Poland). The topic of panel was „Getting Smart on Energy - from Civilian to Military Domains”.

Energy security is one of the key challenges of the 21st century, closely connected to other emerging security challenges, such as terrorism and cyber threats. Dealing with these threats, the armed forces stand among the largest energy consumers in almost all countries. As a consequence, impact of energy consumption on defence budgets and military effectiveness is constantly growing and it becomes an Achilles heel of military operations. On the other hand, military has a big potential in providing new energy efficient technologies, implementing alternative energy sources and being innovative. Thus, what is being done in order to increase the security of the soldiers participating in military operations, contribute to the solution of climate change problem, and reduce the costs of the overall operations and still to succeed militarily?

Discussion panel was moderated by Dr. Arūnas Molis (Head of Strategic Analysis and Research Division of NATO ENSEC COE), presentations made by LTC Nicolas Henry (Deputy Director - NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence - France),  Mehmet Kinaci (Strategic Analyst - NATO HQ Supreme Allied Command - Turkey), Inga Konstantinaviciute (Senior Research Associate - Lithuanian Energy Institute - Lithuania) and Gunta Slihta (Vice-director - Institute of Physical Energetics - Latvia).

More information on forum web page http://www.forum-ekonomiczne.pl/