NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Director of the NATO ENSEC COE met with high ranking NATO ACT officials

On 12th December, the Director of the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence Colonel Gintaras Bagdonas was visiting the NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT) in Norfolk, USA. During his visit he met with the Deputy Supreme Commander Transformation Admiral Manfred Nielson and Deputy Chief of Staff of ACT Jeffrey Lofgren.

Still being a Spokesperson of all the Centres of Excellence (COE), Col G. Bagdonas spoke about the main issues and questions, raised by the Directors of the COEs during the NATO COEs Directors‘ conference, held in Vilnius, Lithuania last October. Both sides discussed about more effective ways to use the results of the COE‘s activities, the ways to coordinate the cooperation between COEs and ACT and reach the goals of ACT and the whole NATO itself.

Afterwards, Col G. Bagdonas met with the Deputy Chief of Staff, Strategic Plans and Policy Rear Admiral Peter Gumataotao, who is also a Flag Officer for the ENSEC COE. The Director presented the outcomes of the recent event of the ENSEC COE – conference and exhibition „Innovative Energy Solutions for Military Application – IESMA 2016“. He also presented the main projects and goals for 2017.

On 13-15th December Col. G. Bagdonas is participating in the Chief of Transformation Conference, being held in Norfolk, USA.