NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Delegation from the Sejm of the Republic of Poland visit to NATO ENSEC COE

On the 6th of October 2017, the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence was visited by a delegation from the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, headed by Mr. Michal Jach, the Chairman of the National Defence Committee. The Centre's Director Colonel Gintaras Bagdonas welcomed them together with the Head of the Strategic Analysis Division Mr. Artūras Petkus.

The guests were given a presentation on the Centre's main functions, aims and expertise. Also the delegation was briefed on the current tasks and projects of the CoE. Delegation members were particularly interested in the possibilities of cooperation between the Centre and various Polish organisations.

At the end of the meeting Mr. Michal Jach signed the Centre's guestbook and wished the Centre success in ongoing and future projects.