NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection is being valuated by NATO experts in Vilnius

On May 17th, Table Top Exercise on Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection have started in Vilnius, Lithuania. At the request of the NATO HQ by NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence organized international exercise includes over 60 representatives from 12 different NATO allies and partner nations. Experts will analize multiple scenarios in order to increase the competency of NATO in protecting the critical energy infrastructure in Baltic Sea region.

“This exercise is extremely important for whole Alliance and its nations. Experts will evaluate possible threats for the electricity distribution and creation infrastructure and the results will add up to the experience and knowledge building. This competence will also increase the security of the Baltic Sea region. Energy is very important in international security that is why this exercise is very much needed and timely”, – Colonel Gintaras Bagdonas, Director of the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence, said on the first day of the TTX.

The “Golden Triangle” rule will be applied during the exercise – military, private sector and academia will join their strengths, knowledge and expertise to build the resilience through improved emergency preparedness, planning, prevention, response and strengthen their capability to protect critical energy infrastructure. The experts will contribute to the development of NATO’s competence in supporting the protection of critical energy infrastructure.

During the second Table Top Exercise experts will work on analyzing vulnerabilities of critical energy infrastructure, determining the consequences of failure, attack and/or damage to critical energy infrastructure and cooperation and coordination between military and civilian organizations. They will also exercise crisis management processes, including military and civil emergency planning.

The first TTX was held in 2014 with participants from NATO Nations and Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) countries.