NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Conference of NATO’s role in European Energy Security held in Warsaw

On 8th June, the conference „NATO‘s role in European Energy Security: the Maritime Dimension“ was held in Warsaw. During the conference, organized by NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence and Polish Naval Academy, more than 60 experts from around 10 countries discussed the importance of Maritime security in energy distribution, transition and its protection field.

“Over 60 percent of energy is being transported via seas. Therefore, we have to give a lot of attention to this field of energy security. I am glad that we, working together with our partners in Polish Naval Academy, could create a platform for experts to discuss and exchange their knowledge on security of Maritime domain. This is a perfect example on how military, governmental institutions, private sector and academia can work together in building resilience and improving energy security of the Alliance”, - the director of the NATO ENSEC COE Colonel Gintaras Bagdonas said during the Conference.

The main goal of the Conference was to provide a political and expert level platform to discuss the energy security issues in Europe related with the maritime domain. The Conference contributed to raising awareness about changing security perspectives as well as served for the exchange of practical insights about the ways of improving NATO's instruments for countering with energy security vulnerabilities and threats.

The event brought together leading experts, academic scientists, researchers and politicians to exchange and share their views and experiences about current energy security threats and their prevention. It also provided the platform for increasing the knowledge on coping with climate change and dealing with sea level rise. Conference participants also focused on security of supply issues and critical energy infrastructure protection.