NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Commander of the Joint Expeditionary Force Major General Stuart Skeates visited NATO ENSEC COE

The NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence had the opportunity to welcome Major General Stuart Skeates, the Commander of the Joint Expeditionary Force (UK), who was acquainted with the mission and modus operandi of the COE by Colonel Gintaras Bagdonas, the Director of the NATO ENSEC COE.

The guest, coming from a unit responsible for rapid response to diverse types of threats, was especially interested in the COE’s capability to analyse and address cover and intricate risks that stem from energy related issues. The representatives of the Centre also went into detail of the current state of energy efficiency of NATO military operations as well as innovations in the operational level of current military deployment.

Seeing the high level of enthusiasm for the work of the NATO ENSEC COE, Major General Skeates was kindly invited to IESMA 2018 – where he would have the possibility to see more of NATO countries’ innovations in the field of energy efficiency.