NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Command Handover ceremony at the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence

The NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence is pleased to announce that on the 14th of August the Centre hosted a Change of Command ceremony. The Director Col Gintaras Bagdonas and Deputy Director Col Jean-Marc Bouillet handed over the command of the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence to the new Director Col Romualdas Petkevičius and the new Deputy Director LTC Pascal Fernandez.

Col Petkevičius took the position of the Director of NATO ENSEC COE for the second term as he was the first director of NATO ENSEC COE between years of 2012 and 2014. Before the current position, Col Petkevičius served as the National Liaison Representative for the Allied Command Transformation in Norfolk U.S. and the Director of Armaments and C2 Systems Department in the Lithuanian Ministry of National Defence.

The Change of Command ceremony was attended by the Lithuanian Vice-Minister of National Defence Mr Vytautas Umbrasas, Lithuanian Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Darius Skusevičius, Ambassadors and Defence Attaches from the NATO countries, the NATO ENSEC COE Senior National Representatives and other distinguished guests.