NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Colonel Jean-Marc Bouillet took over duties of the Deputy Director of the NATO ENSEC COE

On 10th of August, Colonel Jean-Marc Bouillet took over the duties of the Deputy Director of the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence. He changed Lieutenant Colonel Nicolas Henry that was serving in the Deputy Director position for three years, since August, 2013.

The new Deputy Director Col. Jean – Marc Bouillet graduated from French Army academy of Saint-Cyr in 1991, with a Master of Sciences from artillery academy in 1992. He held various positions in French army, as well after graduated of Master of Science from IFP School with a specialty of petroleum products and engines. Afterwards he has joined French Joint Fuel Service (Service des Essences des Armees, SEA) as Operation and logistic officer in a regional command. Afterwards his carrier continued in Marseille, France, as deputy director on a POL (petroleum, oil, lubricants) Service regional command. As the best experience in his life he marked a position as director of the French fuel service in the Libreville/Gabon, West Africa. This opportunity also gave him an ability to check on other regions of Africa.

“It was one of the best experiences in my life to stay in Africa, gaining experience there and knowing absolutely different culture. I think that moving from country to country gives you an ability to see things from other point of view” – Col. J.M. Bouillet said. He also mentioned that all these challenges in life is a motivation to do more, and right now Col. J.M. Bouillet is eager and willing to share all of his experience with the centre, teach and learn too.

Before coming to the ENSEC COE, Col. Bouillet was serving in France, in POL Service with responsibilities ranging from the internal control, inspections to the quality police

Former Deputy Director will continue his career in France. After the promotion to Colonel of French Armed Forces, he starts his duties as Liaison officer French Fuel Service in Paris, France. For his duty as Deputy Director of the first international organization in Lithuania and significant contribution to the work of NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence LTC  Nicolas Henry was awarded  with the National Defence System “Medal of Merit” by viceminister of Defence Antanas Valys.

 Photo credits: Alfredas Pliadis (moments from award ceremony)