Col. Gintaras BAGDONAS appointed as Director of the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence
On August 19, 2014 Colonel Gintaras Bagdonas has been appointed as director of the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence.
Lithuanian Defence Minister Juozas Olekas presided the small ceremony introducing Col. Bagdonas and wishing him best fortune in the new challenging position. Col. Bagdonas expressed his gratitude and dedication to the ENSECCOE initiative.
Official part of ceremony was followed by the presentation of the Centre from the Acting Deputy director LTC Luca Dottarelli, who introduced the main activities and future events of the NATO ENSEC COE.
NATO ENSEC COE established on July 10, 2012. The status of international military organization granted and activated by The North Atlantic Council on 12 October 2012;
The ENSECCOE was officially inaugurated by NATO Secretary General and the Lithuanian President of Republic on the 6th September 2013;
Lithuania is the framework nation and Estonia, Italy, France, Latvia, Turkey are the sponsoring nations;
By the end of 2014 is expected the completion of the first enlargement process with UK, Georgia (as contributing partner) and USA.