NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Canadian intent to support the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence

Canada intends to support the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence to address regional security challenges and concerns related to energy.

The intention of this funding was announced by Canadian Prime Minister during the 2014 NATO Summit in Wales (UK), valued at up to 1 million CAD and can take the form of deployment of experts to the centre as well as the provision of financial resources for specialised programming designed to substantially improve energy security in the area.

The implementation of the contribution will consist in the purchase of Deployable Hybrid Modular Power Generation & Management Systems with high interoperability capabilities to be used by the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence and Lithuanian Armed Forces (LTU AF ) for military training and exercises as part of host nation support and specialized training/data collection in order to provide LTU AF  and NATO forces with the possibility to test and training on the new equipment and change mind-set on the value of innovative energy technology, which could reduce the energy resource consumption and, by extension, the connected logistical support, as well as helping to conserve resources and tackle climate change all of which contributes to environmental protection.

It has been highlighted by NATO that nations must invest in energy security and collaborate to significantly improve the energy efficiency of military forces.  Moreover, this system implied a wide range of other potential usages for the LTU Armed Forces also in case of civilian emergency/crises response and it can be used in operations too in order to facilitate the complex, expensive logistic burden that operation creates.

The contribution will be provided by the Canadian Department of Foreign Affair, Trade and Development (DFATD), Global Peace and Security Fund program.

By March 2016 the project will be fully implemented and the system will be operational