NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Cadets from Saint-Cyr-Coetquidan visited NATO ENSEC COE

On January 31, 5 French cadets from École Militaire Interarmes des  Ecoles de Saint-Cyr - Coetquidan (France) visited NATO ENSEC COE. They were warmly welcomed by the Director of ENSEC COE Col. Romualdas PETKEVICIUS and Deputy Director LTC. Nicolas HENRY. The presentation on main activities, projects and plans on energy Security to be implemented by the Centre was made by Deputy Director LTC. Nicolas HENRY. Cadets expressed a gratitude for the opportunity to be introduced with the issues which are rather new in the developments of NATO security agenda and beyond.
The cadets are attending the international English language course at Lithuanian Military Academy in the period from January to February 2014 together with other foreign students. The cooperation between the Military Academy of Saint-Cyr - Coetquidan and the Military Academy of Lithuania enhanced in 2011.