NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Baltic Defence College students of Higher Command Studies Course visited NATO ENSEC COE

On the 7th of June NATO ENSEC COE welcomed the Higher Command Studies Course of the Baltic Defence College. They were greeted by COL Gintaras Bagdonas, the Director of the NATO ENSEC COE and Dr Artūras Petkus, the Head of the Strategic Analysis Division of the NATO ESNSEC COE.

The Course came to the COE to broaden their knowledge on the geopolitical aspects of energy security and CEIP. The Director and HoD briefed the guests on the tasks and aims of the COE as well as the projects the Centre is conducting. The representatives of the COE also discussed the energy security of the region as well as the main risk factors for European and NATO security.

The guests were especially interested in the ramifications of Nord Stream 2 and its possible geopolitical consequences. Moreover they paid special attention to the transnational energy projects – interconnectors, CEPS, LNG capability – and their capacity to transfer and receive energy.