NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

NATO ENSEC COE presents a special theme for its next Operational Highlights publication – “Renewable energy sources and energy security”

In the next issue of Energy Security: Operational Highlights, NATO ENSEC COE and its partners take a look at emerging security threats beyond the era of fossil fuels. The issue includes articles such as a case study on the strategies of some of the Baltic Sea region states in the face of new vulnerabilities, and an overview of a new era of energy technology in the form of fuel cell applications for military purposes. As renewable energy sources gain importance in NATO nations’ electricity systems, NATO ENSEC COE is pleased to provide strategic awareness on the issue.

Energy Security: Operational Highlights operates as a platform for experts from both the military and the civilian sector to contribute to the debate on relevant energy security issues. The publication places specific emphasis on energy security issues related to NATO, NATO Nations and Partnership for Peace countries. It promotes analytical work on topics such as critical energy infrastructure, energy efficiency and strategic awareness.