NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

NATO ENSEC COE delegation participated in the highly recognized international platform Future Forces Forum (FFF) and International Exhibition in Prague

On October 17-19th the delegation of the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence participated in the highly recognized international platform Future Forces Forum (FFF) and International Exhibition in Prague.

The main topics of interest for the NATO ENSEC COE were presented by the Centres Director COL Romualdas Petkevičius during the presentation “NATO Military Advice on Energy Efficiency and Standardization: Best Practices and Lessons Identified”. COL Romualdas Petkevičius enthusiastically represented the activities of the Centre, identified the scope of Alliance-wide guidance on Energy Security, including the greatest achievements in the field.

Future Forces Forum (FFF) and International Exhibition were organised as a compilation of events at a high political, military and expert level. The main objective of the forum was to engage a wider exchange of the lessons learned in the national and global security area as well as to have an insightful discussion about the future needs of the security forces, new technologies and programmes. The exhibition included two live demonstration areas to share and learn the latest approaches, encourage international relationships and unveil new business opportunities.

The event was hosted by the Czech Ministry of Defence, Chief of the General Staff, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prison Service, Customs Service, civil and military parts of the NATO HQ, European Defence Agency and other international subjects. The platform brought together the official NATO, EU delegates and expert groups, exhibitors, governmental and business leaders.