NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence exchange of knowledge and expertise with Taipei Mission to the Republic of Latvia

On the 20th of September 2018, the Director of the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence, Colonel Romualdas Petkevičius and the Head of the Strategic Analysis Division Dr. Artūras Petkus had a meeting with representatives of Taipei Mission to the Republic of Latvia Mr. Andy Chin and Deputy Director of Division Mr. Pierre I Chia.

The main goal of the meeting was to exchange views and experiences related to regional energy security and energy efficiency of military forces. Both sides discussed possibilities for future cooperation in field of energy security in general, critical energy infrastructure protection as well as analysis of strategic developments in energy security in particular. Also representatives of Taipei Mission received the NATO ENSEC COE Director’s invitation to attend the Conference and Exhibition, organized by the NATO ENSEC COE “Innovative energy Solution in Military Applications” (IESMA 2018).