
13 - 17 Nov. 2023
Baltic region
Table Top Exercise Coherent Resilience 2023 Baltic (CORE 23-B)
NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Table Top Exercise Coherent Resilience 2023 Baltic (CORE 23-B)

NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (ENSEC COE) together with European Commision Joint Research Centre (JRC) of and US Naval Postgraduate Shool (NPS) are planning regional Table-top Exercise "Coherent Resilience 2023 Baltic" on 13-17 November 2023 in Riga, Latvia.

The CORE 23-B TTX will address critical energy infrastructure protection (CEIP) of the Baltic States and focus on maritime and offshore energy installations in Baltic Sea. The TTX is going to cover hybrid attacks, terrorism activities and maritime operations on mentioned and related installations in the Baltic Sea. The goal of the exercise is to support the national authorities, regulators and infrastructure operators of the Baltic States.

The exercise will bring together representatives from energy system operators, Ministries of the Energy, Ministries of Defence, governmental and public companies and organizations from relevant countries.

The Initial Planning Conference (IPC) was held on 14-15 February 2023 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

The Main Planning Conference (MPC) was held on 13-15 June 2023 in Riga, Latvia. 

The Final Coordination Conference (FCC) was held on 19-20 September in Tallinn, Estonia.






Riga, Latvia